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Uniaun Europeia fornese Ekipamentu Protesaun Individual ba família no komunidade vulneráveis sira.

Versaun Inglés Iha Okos


Uniaun Europeia fornese Ekipamentu Protesaun Individual ba família no komunidade vulneráveis sira.

Iha loron 03 fulan Agostu 2020, representante husi Uniaun Europeia, ONG Internasionál no lokál assina akordu ho representante husi Ministériu saúde hodi fornese 200,000 maskara 5,000 litrus desinfetante ba liman no 20,000 barras sabaun ba profissionais saúde, família vulnerável no komunidade rural ne’ebé afeta husi krise COVID-19. Valor husi ekupamentu ne’e hamutuk liu USD 200,000.

Embaixadór Uniaun Europeia, Andrew Jacobs, ONG no parseiru sosiedade sivil entrega amostra Ekipamentu Protesaun Individual ba Ministério Saúde  Dili. Ekupamento Protesaun Individual sira ne’e sei distribui iha munisípio wualu iha Timor-Leste, partikularmente liuhusi sentro saúde lokál sira.

Fornesimento Ekipamento Protesaun Individual ne’e halo parte husi inisiativa ida ne’ebé apoia husi Uniaun Europeia no implementa husi CARE, Oxfam, Plan Internasionál, Catholic Relief Services no World Vision, no parseiro lokál sira, hodi proteje ema vulnerável sira hamutuk 32,000 ne’ebé bele responde ba saúde, ekonómia no sosiál tanba impaktu COVID-19 iha Timor-Leste. Uniaun Europeia fornese hela osan hamutuk liu 1,4 millões atu apoia projetu ida ne’e. Apóia ba inisiativa foun ida ne’e liuhusi doasaun jenerosa ida ho válor EUR 1,3 millões husi Uniaun Europeia.

Inisiativa ida ne’e atu hadia saúde no bem-estar família vulnerável sira iha área remotas iha Timor-Leste. Alem de Ekipamentu Protesaun Individual, sei instala bee no mós fatin fase liman ne’ebé apropriadu iha fatin saúde no komunidade, inklui mós iha igreja sira. Ekipamentos Protesaun Individual no ekipamentus higiene  sei distribui ba trabalhadores saúde sira-nian, komunidade iha munisípio alvu wualu (Dili, Aileu, Baucau, Viqueque, Liquiça Ermera, Covalima) no Oecusse.

Iha Timor-Leste Equipa Europeu iha prazer atu fó tan osan hamutuk USD 3,5 milhões atu apoia hodi ajuda halo mitigação ba efeito husi COVID-19, no ajuda seluk husi Equipa Europeu  sei iha dalan. Fornecimento Equipamento Proteção Individual ne’e hanesan parte importante ida husi contribuição husi Uniåo Europeia. Comunidade vulneravel iha área rural, no mós equipa médica ne’ebé atende ema, precisa particularmente apoio hirak ne’e, no apoio fornecimento husi Equipamento Proteção Individual ida ne’e, hanesan parte kiik oan ida husi iniciativa bo’ot ida ne’ebé ma kami apoia hela liu husi grupo ONG no organização local husi sociedade civil ne’ebé bele facilita econoómia no social ne’ebé iha tamba COVID-19 ne’ebé afeta povo Timor-Leste, particularmente iha comunidade rural sira. Haktuir Andrew Jacobs, Embaixdor União Europeia iha Timor-Leste.

‘’COVID continua sai ameaça id aba comunidade sira iha Timor-Leste. Apoio generoso husi União Europeia ida ne’e significa katak agora ita bele alcança hodi apoia ema balun ne’ebé vulneravel liuiha Timor-Leste’’, Kahty Richards, Diretora Oxfam in Timor-Leste.  ‘’Trabalhadores comunitário sira no profissionais saúde sira iha linha oin ba exposição COVID-19 ne’e, especialmene iha municipio sira besik fronteira. Agora ita bele ajuda ema hirak ne’e atu halo sira nia serviço crítico, ho segurança no ho proteção ida ne’ebé apropriado.

Alem de fornece Equipamento Proteção Individual, iniciativa atu ajuda agricultores hodi kuda no rai produto sira, no sei ajuda vendedor local sira hodi bele sosa no produs, sei mantein vínculos criticos entre agricultor Timor oan sira no Mercado local. Projeto ida ne’e mós sei fó asistência ba grupo poupança no empréstimo iha nivel aldeia atu bele adapta maneira serviço hodi bele iha seguro hygiene, hanesan distanciamento fisico ka reunião kiik oan ruma.

Reconhece katak violencia no assédio baseia ba gênero ne’e aumenta durante periodo pandemia, projeto ida ne’e mós sei promove dalan referencia ba feto no labarik sra ne’ebé mak buka apoio tamba iha violência de gênero, hamutuk ho radio no mídia social ne’ebé bele fahe mensagens kona ba paternidade positive no hakotu violencia kontra feto.

Informação continua sai hanesan ferramenta diak id aba prevenção COVID-19. Projeto ne’e sei hasa’e conscientização kona ba prevenção no fahe informaçao ba comunidade liu husi apoio voluntários saúde comunitaria, radiofusão no mídia social. Hlo parceria ho mídia local sei ajuda promove informacão factual kona ba COVID-19 hodi nune’e bele kombate noticia falso hirak ne’e.



European Union supplies Personal Protective Equipment to Support Vulnerable Families and Communities.

On 3rd of August 2020, representatives from The European Union and international and local NGOs signed an agreement with the Ministry of Health to provide 200,000 face masks, 5,000 litres of hand sanitiser, and 20,000 bars of soap to healthcare workers, vulnerable families, and rural communities affected by the Covid-19 crisis.  The value of the equipment exceeds USD 200,000.

The EU Ambassador Andrew Jacobs and NGO and civil society partners handed over samples of the personal protective equipment to the Ministry of Health in Dili.   The PPE will be distributed in eight municipalities in Timor-Leste, particularly through local health centres.

The supply of PPE is part of an EU-supported initiative implemented by CARE, Oxfam, Plan International, Catholic Relief Services and World Vision, and with local partners, designed to help 32,000 vulnerable people overcome the health, economic and social impacts of COVID-19 in Timor-Leste. The EU is providing more that USD 1.4 million to support the project. New initiative is supported through a generous 1.3m Euro funding grant from the European Union.

The initiative will improve the health and well-being of vulnerable families in remote areas of Timor-Leste. In addition to PPE, handwashing facilities will be provided and water systems upgraded at health and community institutions, including churches. PPE and hygiene kits will be distributed to health and community workers in eight target municipalities (Dili, Aileu, Baucau, Viqueque, Liquiça, Ermera, Covalima) and Oecusse.

“In Timor-Leste Team Europe is pleased to have made available over USD 3.5 million USD worth of support to help mitigate the effects of Covid-19, and more Team Europe support is on its way.   The provision of personal protective equipment is an important part of the EU’s contribution.  Vulnerable communities in rural areas, and the medical staff that serve them, are particularly in need of support, and the supply of PPEs is just part of a major initiative that we are supporting through a group of NGOs and local civil society organisations that will ease the economic and social burden that Covid-19 has placed on the people of Timor-Leste, particularly remote rural communities. said Andrew Jacobs, European Union Ambassador to Timor-Leste

“COVID remains a serious threat to communities in Timor-Leste. This generous support of the EU means we are now able to reach and support some of the most vulnerable people in Timor-Leste”, Kathy Richards, Oxfam in Timor-Leste Country Director. “Community workers and health workers are on the front line of exposure to COVID, especially in the border municipalities. We can now help these people to continue their critical work, safely and with appropriate protection.”

In addition to providing PPE, the initiative will help farmers to grow and store produce, and will help local vendors to local purchase produce, maintaining critical links between Timorese farmers and local markets. The project will also provide assistance to village-level savings and loan groups to adapt their ways of working for safe hygiene behaviours, such as physical distancing or smaller meetings.

Recognising that gender-based violence and harassment is likely to increase during the pandemic period, the project will also promote referral pathways for women and children seeking support from a gender violence, together with radio and social media sharing messages on positive parenting and ending violence against women.

Information remains a powerful tool in the prevention of COVID. The project is boosting prevention awareness outreach and messaging in communities through support to community health volunteers, radio broadcasting, and social media. A partnership with local media will help promote factual COVID-19 information to counter fake news.

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