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Projetu Lafaek ne’e hanesan projetu ida-ne’ebé lansa husi Care Internasionál iha Timor-Leste iha setór Edukasaun ne’ebé servisu hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste liuhusi Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu ho objetivu atu hadi’ak kualidade aprendizajen, hasa’e kapasidade lideransa, hadi’ak moris-di’ak família sira-nian iha aspetu sosiál no ekonómiku, inklui promove governasaun inkluzivu, no partisipasaun Juventude.

Nova Zelándia nia apóiu ba projetu Lafaek ne’e hahú husi 2006 to’o 2022 ho montante totál US $9.1m iha tinan 16 nia laran, no atu kontinua projetu ne’e nia servisu importante, Governu Nova Zelándia fó ona osan dolar amerikanu millaun 7.4m ba estensaun tinan lima (5) hodi apoia liután projetu Lafaek hodi kontinua ninia servisu iha Timor-Leste husi tinan 2022 to’o tinan 2027. Prezensa Revista Lafaek importante tebes ba setór Edukasaun iha Timor-Leste, liu-liu ba dezenvolvimentu profesór no alunu sira-nian prosesu aprendizajen, inklui hadi’ak komunidade nia moris iha teritoriu laran tomak.

Sorumutu asina akordu ne’e realiza iha:

Loron/data     : Quarta-feira, 29 Juñu 2022

Oras                : 09:00-12:00 otl

Fatin               : EBF 1.2. Taraço

Bainaka espésial ne’ebé hola parte iha eventu refere maka:

  1. Presidente da Repúblika de Timor-Leste,  Sua. Ex. Dr. José Manuel Ramos Horta
  2. Ministro Edukasaun Joventude no Desporto
  3. Vice Ministro Edukasaun Joventude no Desporto
  4. Diretór Geral do Ensino da Edukasaun no DJ serbisu parseria no kooperasaun MEJD
  5. Ambaisadór Nova Zelandia ba Timor-Lest
  6. Jestór divisoria, dezenvolvimentu globál no bolsu estudo, Governu Nova Zelándia.
  7. Ekipa husi embaixada Nova Zelándia

Ekipa Husi CARE

  • Diretór País CARE Internasionál iha Timor-Leste
  • Jerente Projetu Lafaek.
  • Jerente  Implementasaun
  • Jerente Públikasaun
  • No ekipa husi Projetu Lafaek


  • Tatoli News

Kona-ba CARE no Projetu Lafaek Learning Media (LLM)

CARE Internasionál nu’udár organizasaun umanitáriu prinsipál naun politiku no naun relijiozu ne’ebé luta hasoru kiak globál. CARE-nia vizaun maka hakarak mundu ida ne’ebé nakonu ho esperansa, toleránsia no justisa sosiál ne’ebé laiha kiak no ema hotu-hotu moris ho dignu no seguru. CARE Internasionál fó rekoñesimentu prinsipál ne’ebé integrál atu hadi’ak edukasaun hodi bele atinji kualidade edukasaun ne’ebé aas.

Projetu Lafaek Learning Media​ (LLM), hanesan projetu edukasaun ne’ebé harii husi CARE Internasionál iha Timor-Leste no serbisu hamutuk ho Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) ho apoiu fundus husi Programa Asisténsia Nova Zelándia kolabora hamutuk hodi serbí ba kualidade edukasaun ne’ebé di’ak iha Timor-Leste, liuhusi prodús no distribui Revista Lafaek sira bá eskola iha Timór laran tomak dala tolu (3) kada tinan, hodi tulun no hasa’e ​ ​abilidade no kuñesimentu iha área oioin.

             Revista Lafaek iha tipu haat (4):

  • Lafaek Ki’ik: Fahe​ ba kada kanorin hotu iha Edukasaun Pré-Eskolár no Ensinu Báziku, klase 1-2 iha Timór laran tomak. Ninia konteúdu foka liu ba dezenvolvimentu literasia no numerasia báziku, abilidade motóriku, lójiku, saúde ijiéne, liuhusi dalan atrativu tuir mundu labarik nian. Agora dadaun Revista Lafaek Ki’ik fahe ba kanorin 109,000 iha territóriu Timór laran tomak.
  •  Lafaek Prima: Fahe​ ba kanorin hotu iha Ensinu Báziku, klase 3-6. Ninia konteúdu foka liu ba dezenvolvimentu literasia no numerasia avansadu no introdusaun báziku kona-ba siénsia sira no mós introdusaun ba lian Portugés. Revista ne’e fahe ba kanorin 135,000 iha territóriu Timór laran tomak.
  • Lafaek ba Manorin: Fahe ba kada manorin hotu iha Edukasaun Pre-Eskolár no Ensinu Báziku, klase 1-6. Ninia konteúdu foka ba iha metodolojia hanorin ne’ebé sentradu ba iha Kanorin sira no mós sai hanesan materiál didátiku ne’ebé suporta kurríkulu nasionál Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu Timor-Leste. Revista ne’e fahe ba manorin 10,000 iha territóriu Timór laran tomak.
  • Lafaek ba Komunidade: Fahe ba uma-kain sira iha área rurál no remota sira. Ninia konteúdu foka liu ba informasaun báziku sira hanesan saúde, nutrisaun no ijiene, agrikultura, negósiu ki’ik no kuidadu labarik hodi tulun harii no hadi’ak kondisaun ekonomia família nian. Revista ne’e fahe ba uma kain 105,792 iha área rurál no remotas sira.
  • Lafaek Plataforma Online (Facebook no website) objetivu hanesan plataforma ida atu prepara joven sira hodi involve-an, hato’o sira nia asuntu/kestaun, no buka solusaun. Plataforma ida ne’e ho objetivu atu promove governasaun inklusiva ba foinsa’e sira nia partisipasaun nu’udár sidadaun. Agora dadaun, pajina Facebook Lafaek hetan ona followers hamutuk liu husi 148,000.

Atu dezenvolve konteúdu iha kada edisaun husi Revista Lafaek, Ekipa Produsaun iha CARE hahú ho sesaun diskusaun liuhusi dezenvolve mapamentu konteúdu hodi aliña mensajen xave sira ho matadalan kuríkullu Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu nomós mensajen xave sira husi programa longu prazu ha’at mak hanesan Saúde Reprodutiva Sexual no Maternal (SRMH), Edukasaun, Hakbiit Ekonomia Feto no Feto sira nia Lian. . Nune’e mós, Ekipa LAFAEK hala’o revisaun Regulár kada edisaun hamutuk ho representante  konselho konsultativo tékniku MEJD hanesan; Diresaun​ Nasionál Edukasaun Pre-Eskolár, Diresaun Nasionál Edukasaun Ensinu Báziku, Diresaun Nasionál Parseria e Kooperasaun, Diresaun da Unidade Kurríkulu Avaliasaun Eskolár​, INFORDEPE no Embaixada Nova Zelándia, hodi revee no asegura katak mensajen xave sira aliña duni tuir matadalan kurríkullu nasionál, antes aprova hodi ba imprime finál. 



Contract signing between CARE International in Timor-Leste and the New Zealand International Development Cooperation (NZIDC) for a new five (5) year phase for the Lafaek Project in Timor-Leste.

The Lafaek project is a project implemented by CARE International in Timor-Leste in the Education sector, working with the Government of Timor-Leste through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with the objective of improving learning quality, increasing leadership capacity, improving the well-being of families in social and economic aspects, including promoting inclusive governance, and youth participation.

New Zealand’s support to the previous phase of the Lafaek Project ran from 2006 to 2022, with a total amount of US$9.1m over the last 16 years. To continue the project’s important work, the government of New Zealand has granted US$7.4m for a five (5) year extension to further support the Lafaek Project to continue its important work in Timor-Leste from 2022 to 2027. The Lafaek magazines’ presence is very important for the education sector in Timor-Leste, particularly for the development of teachers and students learning process, as well as outreach to communities across the territory.

To mark this important occasion, the Lafaek project will hold an event between the New Zealand Embassy and CARE International in Timor-Leste to sign the five year grant extension from 2022 to 2027.

The event held at:

Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Time: 09: 00 – 12: 00

Location: EBF 1.2. Taraco.

Attendees at the event include:

  1. President of the Republic of Timor Leste, His Excellency Dr. Jose Ramos Horta
  2. Minister of Education Youth and Sport
  3. Vice Minister of Education Youth and Sport
  4. General Director for Basic Education and General Director for Partnership and Cooperation of the Ministry of  Education, Youth and Sports of Timor-Leste
  5. Ambassador, New Zealand Embassy
  6. Divisional Manager, Global Development and Scholarships, New Zealand Government

CARE International Team:

  1. Country Director, CARE International in Timor-Leste
  2. The Lafaek Project Manager.
  3. The Production Manager
  4. The Lafaek project team.


  • Tatoli News

About CARE & The Lafaek Learning Media Project

CARE International is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE’s vision is a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security. CARE recognizes education as one of CARE’s Thematic Priority Areas and has been supporting the government of Timor-Leste in the development of the education sector, to improve the quality of education in the country.

The Lafaek Learning Media (LLM) project is aimed at improving the quality of education in Timor-Leste. It was launched by CARE International in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Timor-Leste, and with support from the government of New Zealand. The project produces and distributes the Lafaek magazines to schools in Timor-Leste, three times a year, to educate and improve knowledge in different areas.

The four types of Lafaek magazines are:

  1. Lafaek Ki’ik: Distributed to students from Preschool to 1-2 grade countrywide. The contents focus on literacy and numeracy, basic development, connective ability, Logic, Hygiene Health and Learning in an attractive way based on World children’s learning process. Today, Lafaek Ki’ik magazine reaches 111,000 students in Timor-Leste.
  2. Lafaek Prima: Distributed to students in primary school from 3 to 6 grade. The contents focus on Literacy and Numeracy development advance and basic introduction about science and also introduction of Portuguese Language. The magazine currently reaches 133,000 students in the country.
  3. Lafaek ba Manorin: Distributed to all teachers from Preschool to School from 3-6 classes. The contents focus on teaching methodology which is a center for students and also become a didactic materials that support national curriculum from the Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports. The magazine is received by 12,000 teachers in Timor-Leste.
  4. Lafaek ba Komunidade: Distributed to households in rural areas and remote areas. The contents focus on basic information about Health, Nutrition and Hygiene, Agriculture, small business and help the children to build and improve family’s economic and wellbeing. Lafaek ba Komunidade magazine has reached 105,792 (50% population in Timor-Leste) in rural and remote areas.

To develop the content of the magazine for each edition of the Lafaek magazines, the production team at CARE starts with a discussion to map the content and align them with key messages and the national curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Timor-Leste (MoEYS), and with CARE’s long term program in Timor-Leste, such as education, women’s voice, women’s economic empowerment, and sexual reproductive and maternal health and rights. Also, the Lafaek team continues with the review process for each edition with the Lafaek advisory board comprise of technical support from the MoEYS such as the department of pre-school education, department of basic education, department of partnership and cooperation, department of school curriculum evaluation unit, INFORDEPE and the New Zealand embassy representatives, to review and ensure that the content of the magazine are align with the national curriculum before it is printed and distributed countrywide.

In these four magazines, women’s voice content is always included, particularly in the Lafaek ba Komunidade magazine. Such topics can be seen in the prevention of gender-based violence content where it educates both male and females to learn and achieve gender equality that is equal and equitable between male and female, boys and girls, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, so that they can live free from violence.

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