CARE open job vacancy for position as Illustrator Officer-LAFAEK Project with deadline 29th of May 2023 CARE-Job-Description-Illustrator-officerDownload
CARE re-advertise job vacancy for position as Logistic and Procurement Manager-Program Support Unit (PSU) with deadline 22nd of May 2023. Salary From US$1,227 up to 1,965 per month. CARE-Job-Description-Logistic-and-Procurement-Manager-3Download
CARE loke vaga ba posizaun ofisial kampu iha projetu COHSIS ho nia data taka 13 Maiu 2023. CARE-Job-Description-Ofisial-Kampu_SFDownload
Deadline May 12, 2023. send a CV (no longer than four pages) and cover letter via email to [email protected] CARE-Job-Description-Senior-Gender-OfficerDownload
Loron ikus hatama dokumentus ne'e maka 28 dé Abril dé 2023, tuku 5 loraik. CARE-Job-Description-Logistic-and-Procurement-ManagerDownload
Loron ikus hatama dokumentus maka 21 de Abril de 2023. CARE-Job-Description-Treinador-Jestaun-Eskola-no-Literasia-1Download
Loron ikus atu hatama dokumentus maka 14 de Abril de 2023. CARE-Job-Description-Deputy-Project-Manager-Disaster-READY-ProjectDownload
Loron ikus hatama rekeremntus sira maka 6 de Abril de 2023 CARE-Job-Description-Ofisial-Projetu-Bee-no-SaneamentuDownload
Loron ikus hatama Dokumentus: 27 de Marsu de 2023 CARE-Job-Description-FIELD-PROGRAM-MANAGERDownload
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