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Following the outcome of Timor-Leste’s parliamentary election in 2023, H.E. Maria Fernanda Lay made history as she was pronounced the first female President of National Parliament in the country. This accomplishment marked another milestone in the country’s commitment to advancing women in leadership and decision-making arena.

As part of CARE’s commitment to supporting the Government of Timor-Leste to progressing gender equality, the Lafaek project implements the Jornalista Foinsa’e activity with the objective to establish a platform where young women and girls have the opportunity to converse and connect with influential women public figures.

On 24 November 2023, the Lafaek team has organised an interview session with H.E. Maria Fernanda Lay and two youth representatives from the national people with disabilities organisation, Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO). In this activity, the youth will take on the role of being a journalist for the day and discuss the role of the President of the National Parliament, and the commitment to ensuring all laws, policies, programs and activities implemented by the government and civil society are gender-sensitive and inclusive. CARE believes that promoting women in leadership and sharing stories of successful women is crucial to inspiring the next generation of women leaders in the country. The content from the interview will be published in the Lafaek ba Komunidade, the interview will be broadcasted on GMN TV and the Lafaek Facebook.


Hafoin ita hetan rezultadu husi eleisaun parlamentar iha 2022, Sua Excia. Maria Fernanda Lay halo istória bainhira pronunsia katak nia sai nudar feto dahuluk eleitu nudar Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional iha Timor-Leste. Atinjimentu ida ne’e marka tan progresu ida ba Timor-Leste nia komprimisiu atu avansa feto nia lideransa no envolvimentu iha foti-desizaun.

Hanesan parte ida husi CARE nia komprimisiu atu suporta Governu Timor-Leste avansa igualdade jéneru, projetu Lafaek implementa ona atividade hanaran Jornalista Foinsa’e ho objetivu atu estabelese plataforma ida atu fó oportunidade ba feto no labarik feto foinsa’e sira atu konversa no halo koneksaun ho feto inspiradora sira.

Iha loron 24 Novembru 2023, ekipa Lafaek organiza ona sesaun intervisa ho Sua Excia. Maria Fernanda Lay no reprezentante foinsa’e rua husi organizasaun nasional ba ema ho defisiénsia, Ra’es Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO). Iha atividade ida ne’e, foinsa’e sira ne’e sei asume knaar nudar jornalista ba loron ida no diskute konaba knaar husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, no komprimisiu sira atu asegura katak lei, polítika, programa no atividade sira ne’ebé mak implementa husi governu no mos sosiedade sivil sira sensivel ba jéneru no inkluzivu.

CARE fiar katak promove feto sira iha lideransa no fahe istória husi feto susesu sira importante tebes atu inspira lider feto sira husi jerasaun tuir mai iha rai-laran. Konteúdu husi intervista ne’e sei publika iha revista Lafaek ba Komunidade no sei distribui ba feto no labarik feto sira iha rai-laran komesa husi Maiu no Jullu 2024. Adisionalmente, intervista ne’e sei fó sai iha GMN TV no pajina Facebook Lafaek.

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