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Belun Simplicio Nian Esperiénsia Durante Lockdown Iha Zelándia Foun.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][Tetun Version] 


Simplicio Barbosa orijinalidade husi  Ataúru. Agora dadauk nia hetan bolsa estudu husi Zelándia Foun hodi estuda iha Universidade Waikato iha Zelándia Foun, nia estuda kona-ba Negosiu iha área Manajementu Estratéjiku. Simplicio serbisu ho Projetu Lafaek Learning Media iha pozisaun oioin hahú husi 2003-2019, eventualmente sai Jestór husi Projetu ne’e. Ami hakarak atu buka hatene oinsá Simplicio maneja nian estudu no hela iha Nova Zelándia durante surto de COVID-19.






  1. Simplicio, belun halo saida iha Zelándia Foun ?

Ha’u hetan bolsa estudu husi Zelándia Foun hodi estuda iha Universidade Waikato. Ha’u agora mak iha tinan primeiru tanba ha’u komesa ha’u nian estudu iha fulan Jullu 2019.


  1. Saida mak belun halo hodi proteje an husi Covid-19?


Uluk nanain, ha’u halo tuir orientasaun husi Governu Zelándia Foun hodi proteje ha’u nia-an no ema seluk husi COVID-19. Agora ha’u fase hela deit liman dala barak uza bee ne’ebé naksulin kompara uluk, ha’u mós  uza hela deit Hand Sanitiser. Ha’u taka inus no ibun wainhira me’ar ka fani, ha’u mós evita kaer ha’u nian matan, inus no ibun loron tomak, ha’u sente ida ne’e difisil tebes mai ha’u tamba wainhira ha’u tur hanoin ha’u sempre kaer hela deit ha’u nian inus. Ha’u mós  kompriende katak, kuidadu ha’u nian saúde liuhusi han hahan ne’ebé saudavel, halo ezersísiu no deskansa di’ak ne’e importante tebes. Ha’u mós hemu multivitamina hodi haforsa sistema imunidade no koko atu evita estres.


Iha loron 25 fulan Marsu, Governu Zelándia Foun anunsia katak nasaun ne’e tama ona iha situasaun Alerta Nivel 4 no bele mós halo Lockdown (taka an) ba fulan ida, tan ne’e ha’u agora dadauk izola an iha uma hodi halo distansia sosiál.  Negosiu sira ne’ebé mak la esensial taka hotu, klase iha Universidade mós kansela hotu hodi troka fali ho estuda Online. Ha’u tenke motiva nafatin ha’u nia-an, tanba ha’u nia mehi mak oinsá ha’u bele kompleta ha’u nia estudu tuir nia tempu. Ha’u toman estuda iha bibleoteka, tanba ha’u mós gosta enviromentu ne’ebé nakonu ho livru no hadulas husi kanorin barak ne’ebé estuda hela. Ha’u mós gosta ba kampus hodi hasoru kolega no manorin sira, maibé agora ha’u labele ona halo buat hirak ne’e. Susar tebes atu adapta ba buat foun hirak ne’e, maibé ida ne’e di’ak mós ba ha’u nia-an no ema seluk. Dalaruma ha’u sente baruk wainhira hela deit iha uma, no halo interasaun deit ho kolega ne’ebé ami hela hamutuk, maibé ida ne’e mak ha’u bele halo hodi ajuda governu atu luta hasoru virus ida ne’e.


  1. Oinsá ho belun nian hanoin kona ba Zelándia Foun nian responde ba COVID19?


Kapaz tebes. Ha’u bele hare katak Governu Zelándia Foun halo ona preparasaun ba situasaun ida ne’e fulan hirak liu ba molok virus ida ne’e to’o iha ne’e. Ha’u admiradu ho Primeiru Ministra Jacinda Ardern ne’ebé lidera luta hasoru virus ida ne’e. Ha’u ativu akompaña nia liuhusi nia média sosiál no haree nia ko’alia hela de’it ho ema liuhusi nia pájina Facebook hodi fó hanoin atu ema bele hela iha uma hodi bele salva-an no proteje ema seluk.


  1. Saida mak belun nian familia iha Timor-Leste halo hodi mantein seguru?


Ha’u fahe buat hotu ne’ebé mak ha’u aprende iha ne’e ba sira. Ha’u hateten ba ha’u nia familia atu hadook-an husi fatin rame, labele ka’er liman ho ema seluk, halo distánsia ho ema seluk, fase-liman no sosa hahan rejerva natoon no sosa mós kreditu ba telefone hodi asesu ba internent no halo ligasaun lokál. Portaun iha ami nian uma mós taka ona desde Governu Timor-Leste anúnsiu Estadu Emerjensia. Loron-loron ha’u kontaktu hela de’it ha’u nia familia liuhusi média sosiál hodi asegura katak sira di’ak de’it.


  1. Sujestaun saida mak belun hakarak hatoo ba maluk sira iha Timor-Leste?


Primeiru liu mak hela iha uma, favor ida hela iha uma! La bele sai, wainhira iha okaziaun importante mak sai, hanesan sosa sasan esensial ou moras no tenke ba ospitál. Hela iha uma mak dalan di’ak liu atu hakotu transmisaun virus ne’e. Importante tebes atu mantein imi nia-an seguru no ema seluk mós seguru, liliu imi nian membru familia sira ne’ebé vulneravel, hanesan inan no aman ou avo mane no avo feto. Ikus-liu, halo tuir prátika ijéne hanesan fase-liman, no halo tuir mós buat hirak ne’ebé mak Governu hateten. La iha dalan ba Governu para atu luta mesak kontra virus ne’e.



Obrigadu barak ba belun Simplicio ne’ebé fahe ona nian esperensia, espera nia isin di’ak nafatin no nian estudu mós  la’o ho di’ak de’it.


Hakerek na’in: Samantha O’Hara.



[English Version] 


Originally from the island of Atauro, Simplicio Barbosa is currently studying a Bachelor of Business majoring in Strategic Management at the University of Waikato in New Zealand on a New Zealand Scholarship. Simplicio worked with Lafaek Learning Media in various roles from 2003-2019, eventually becoming Project Manager. We wanted to know how Simplicio is managing living and studying in New Zealand during the COVID-19 outbreak.


  1. Simplicio, what are you doing in New Zealand?

I am at the University of Waikato on a New Zealand Scholarship. I joined the university in July 2019, so I am still in my first year.


  1. What are you doing to protect yourself from COVID-19?


First and foremost, I am following the New Zealand Government’s guidelines about how to protect myself and others from COVID-19. I wash my hands often and longer than I used to with soap and running water. I use hand sanitiser often too. I also cover my mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and I try not touch my eyes, nose and mouth with my hands throughout the day – which is something I find hard because I often touch my nose when I am thinking. I also understand it is important to keep my body healthy by eating well, exercising and sleeping well. I also take multivitamins to help build my immune system and I try to avoid stress.


On March 25th, the New Zealand government announced the country would be placed in Alert Level 4 and would go into lockdown for one month, so I am currently staying home in self-isolation and practicing social distancing. This means that all non-essential business are closed, and all lectures and tutorials at my university are cancelled and replaced by online learning. I have to keep myself motivated as I still have the goal of completing my study on time. I used to study at the university’s library because I like the environment – it is surrounded by other students studying and lots of books too. I also liked going to campus to meet up with friends, tutors and lecturers, but I can’t do those things anymore. It has been hard to adapt to these changes, but I know this is for the good of myself and others. I sometimes get bored staying at home and only interacting with my roommates, but that’s what I can do to help the government fight the spread of the virus.


  1. What do you think of New Zealand’s response to COVID-19?


It is tremendous. I have learned that the NZ government was prepared for this situation a few months before the virus actually arrived here. I am so impressed by how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has lead the fight against this virus. She constantly speaks to people through her live Facebook page to remind us to stay at home to save lives and protect others and I have been an active follower on her social media.


  1. What are your family in Timor-Leste doing to keep safe?

I passed on everything I learned here to them. I advised my family to stay away from crowds, to not shake hands with other people, to keep their distance from others, to wash their hands often and to buy enough spare food and phone credit for internet and local calls. The gate to our house has also been shut for family visits since the Government of Timor-Leste announced the State of Emergency. I check on my family everyday through social media, just to make sure they are alright.


  1. What advice do you have for the people of Timor-Leste?

First and foremost is to stay home. Please stay home. Do not go out unless it is super important, such as for buying essentials or going to the hospital if you are ill. Staying home is the best way to break the chain of the virus. It is about keeping yourself and others safe, especially the more vulnerable members of your family such as your mum and dad or grandpa or grandma. Lastly, follow hygiene practices such as washing your hands and other things the government says you should do. There is no way our government alone can succeed in fighting this virus without the contribution of its citizens.


Thank you very much to Simplicio for sharing his experiences. We wish him good health and all the best with his studies.

Author: Samantha O’Hara.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”nicdark_sidebar”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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